Episode Title:
The Thrill of Destruction
Episode Description:
Tokoyami arrives just in time to save Hawks before Dabi can kill him. The villain attempts to corner the bird heroes, but Tokoyami is able to take advantage of Dabi's monologuing to evade the fire, and use the escalating fighting between the Heroes and Paranormal Liberation Front to escape with the unconscious Hawks. Meanwhile at the Hospital, Shigaraki kills X-Less, steals his cape, and unleashes his Decay. The resulting effect proceeds to consume the entire Hospital, forcing the Heroes to desperately flee; in the chaos Crust ends up sacrificing himself to save Eraser Head. In the city, Deku receives a warning from the first user of One For All of Shigaraki's awakening, as the Decay begins to spread into the city and toward the evacuation team. The heroes, including Deku and Todoroki, attempt to stop the wave but failed, forcing them to carry the civilians away to avoid their deaths. Burnin tries to call out Endeavor or other Heroes, but receives no response which sends her into a panic. In the remaining crater of the Hospital left behind, Shigaraki discovers the nearly all ruined Quirk-Destroying Bullets Garaki was recreating, which was destroyed by X-Less before his death. A voice starts to speak in his head, as he uses a communicator to summon Gigantomachia to him, declaring that it is time to destroy everything.